Meeting Records


Minutes of Meeting  of Core Group

Held at Westbank Cottage on Tuesday 23 August 2011


D Newth              (DN)      Chairman

K Faulkner           (KF)        Group Leader

N O’Donnell       (NO)      Group Leader

D Ashcroft           (DA)       Parish/District Councillor/Farmer

C Webb                  (CW)      Landscape Archaeologist

J Liddle                 (JL)        Group Leader/Secretary


Apologies for absence 

Apologies had been received from Christine Gibson, Ian de Peyrecave (I de P), Bill Oliver and Ted Yates





The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 26 July were approved.

Matters Arising 

There were no matters arising that were not included on the agenda for this meeting.


Geological Boundaries 

DN explained that our sponsors at HCC were looking to the Selborne Group to provide a model that other villages could follow when completing their LLCAs. They were particularly interested in being informed of any apparent errors on the geological map of the area used by HCC.


In the absence of trained geologists and their equipment, field study groups were most likely to spot anomalies on the boundary lines between formations by the presence of springs, changes in predominant tree types, relative diversity of plant species and through observation of the underlying geological structure, where this had been exposed in sunken lanes or through quarrying activity.


The geological map produced in the British Geological Survey, remained the most reliable guide. Efforts would be made to obtain a copy covering the Selborne area that could be matched against the HCC geological map.


It was agreed that the geological map showing the areas covered by field trips should distinguish between the Upper, Middle and Lower Chalk areas and the Greensand by allocating a separate colour code to the Greensand areas.



















Progress Reports 

NO (The Lythes) had completed and written up the results of 6 field trips. These were The Short Lythe Footpath, The Long Lythe Footpath (2 separate sections), the bottom section of Rifle Range Valley, Church Meadows and Kimbers. Subsequent to the meeting, NO sent copies of these reports to all steering group leaders for their information and review.


JL (The Lanes) had completed but not yet typed up two field study trips, covering Honey Lane and Sotherington Lane. He would also cover Priory Farm on a future trip.


KF (The North) had recently completed one trip covering one quarter of her region and planned to cover the rest of her region shortly.


DN (The South) had completed four field study trips – Westcroft Field, Green Lane, Kings Field and Galley Hill Field. He planned to lead a trip on the following day, August 23, up the path from the Lion’s Mouth Well on to Noar Hill.


Subsequent to the meeting, I de P (Central) reported that he had completed 3 of a likely 6 surveys. He had been accompanied by several volunteers on each occasion. He would write up his notes and would circulate them shortly.


CG (Gracious Street West) had left a message that her rearranged field study trip, up to the Hanger, would take place on the following day, August 23
























 Pre-upload Review Procedure 

Group leaders were encouraged to continue to edit their own results (photographic and written) before circulating the written material to the other group leaders and relevant advisers for a second review. Once reviewed in this way the data would be ready for uploading on to the website.





Uploading Photographs and Field Study Reports 

Until instructions on how to upload photographs on to the Village Plan Website had been issued by David Henderson (DH), it was agreed that records would be retained by the teams who had produced them and that photographs would not be forwarded to Bill Oliver.


DN and JL would continue with their efforts to arrange a meeting with DH with a view to making progress in this area.








Team Leaders were encouraged to continue with their efforts to involve volunteers in field study trips. The LLCA would not achieve its objective if it reflected only the views of a small minority of residents.





Any Other Business 

CW recommended that team leaders should visit the Natural England website for information on areas with SSI status.


NO had read a recent newspaper article highlighting the number of rare species of plants to be found in the Selborne Lythes. She would circulate details if the article could be found.


DA explained the background to the numbering of the lanes in the Selborne area and recommended that team leaders should Google “Hampshire Rights of Way” for further details.


Thanks were extended to David and Pam for their kind hospitality in hosting the meeting











Date of Next Meeting 

The next meeting would take place on Tuesday 11 October at 7 Grange Farm at 8 pm.




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