Meeting Records


Minutes of Meeting of Core Group

Held at 7 Grange Farm at 8 pm on Wednesday 13 June 2012


D Newth                              (DN)      Chairman

I de Peyrecave                  (I de P) Group Leader

C Webb                                (CW)      Landscape Archaeologist

J Liddle                                 (JL)         Group Leader/Secretary


Apologies for absence


Apologies had been received from DA, Ted Yates, NO’D, WO, KF and CG.







The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 15 March were approved.





Matters Arising


There were no matters arising that were not included on the agenda.

LLCA Website


DN had updated the narrative on the website to take account of very helpful comments that had been made by Minette Palmer, Chris Webb and Ted Yates. He encouraged all members of the Core Group to review the revised content.


David Woodroofe (DW) of Create Design Studio, remained available to provide ongoing assistance but his invoice had been paid and there was a limit to the free time that he could make available to us. JL had enlisted the support of a friend who was an experienced user of WordPress software who was willing to help without payment.


It was hoped that WO now had all the photographs that had been taken on field study trips and could proceed to upload these on to the website. Each would be separately tagged so that relevant photographs could be accessed at any time to illustrate the narrative. Maps would also be uploaded by I de P with assistance from WO who was familiar with WordPress.


JL would speak to WO to ascertain that he had all the material he required.


















I de P








Remaining Field Studies


There were several areas that had not yet been covered in detail. These were as follows:

The Canons’ Way, Milking Hanger, Priory Farm, Great Mead, Upper Burchams, Dorton Wood, Sparrow Hanger, The Church and Ketchers Farm.


CW volunteered to survey Dortons Wood while I de P would deal with The Church and Ketchers Farm. N O’D would complete the remaining closely-related surveys above while KF would finish the last section of her area close to Norton Farm.









I de P





I de P had produced an additional map that showed the areas of settlement within the village that provided a clear picture of its linear form. He would endeavour to upload his maps on to the website, with help from DW.




I de P


Presentation to SDNP and other Authorities


DN would be on holiday until the middle of July when he hoped that the LLCA would be in substantially final form, ready for presentation to the Authorities led by the SDNP. The intention was not to produce a printed document but to produce text and relevant photographic material on our website from which any copies could be made. The LLCA website would continue to develop over time as a living document.



What Needs to be Preserved?


JL had circulated a first draft of this section of the LLCA that would identify those special areas, views, flora or fauna, buildings, lanes and footpaths that the residents of the village and those who visit it prize most highly and that must be safeguarded for future generations. All members of the Core Group were requested to add their own ideas to this list so that it could be uploaded on to the website by mid July.







Any Other Business


Thanks were extended to JL and Denise for their hospitality in hosting the meeting.


Date of Next Meeting


The next meeting would take place in July on a date to be agreed.







JL 14 June 2012  


Minutes of Meeting of Core Group

Held at Westbank Cottage at 8 pm on Thursday 2 August 2012


D Newth  (DN)  Chairman  N O’Donnell (NO’D)  Group Leader  Bill Oliver (WO)  Photo Archivist

I de Peyrecave  (I de P) Group Leader  J Liddle  (JL)  Group Leader/Secretary


Apologies for absence


Apologies had been received from DA, Ted Yates, KF and CG.







The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 13 June 2012 were approved.





Matters Arising


There were no matters arising that were not included on the agenda.

LLCA Website


DN had produced and circulated a revised version of the narrative for the website. He encouraged all members of the Core Group to review it and when doing so to indicate where, in the text, illustrative photographs should be inserted.


DN had received few comments on the “What needs to be preserved” section of the  LLCA. He encouraged everyone to review and update this key section.


WO had not yet been sent all of the photographs taken on CG’s field study trips. DN would speak to CG offering any help that she required. DN would also send WO a complete set of all the field study reports that had been made to assist him to link photographs to the relevant text.


WO had found it more tiresome than he had expected it to be to work with the version of WordPress that we were using. Some images were not uploading as well as others, and the indexing tags that he had carefully created were lost in the process. The problems were not insurmountable, however, and he aimed to have the photo gallery ready within the following two weeks.


I de P had made progress with uploading  maps and had settled on an appropriate scale. It was agreed that readers of the text should be able to call up a detailed map of the area referred to in the text; ideally a floating map.



Village Design Statement


I de P would check whether he had an electronic version of the final version of the VDS that would enable it to be updated and published on the website. Failing this, WO volunteered to produce an electronic version using his Optical Character Reader.
























I de P





I de P


Remaining Field Studies


There were several areas that had not yet been covered in detail. These were as follows:

Milking Hanger, The Church, The Wakes, Ketchers Farm and the area occupied by the apple pickers (the Gulag).


KF would deal with Milking Hanger and David Standing had begun work on The Wakes.

I de P would send DN copies of his surveys of The Church and Ketchers that he had completed and would survey the Gulag.









I de P




Any Other Business


Thanks were extended to DN and Pam for their hospitality in hosting the meeting.


Date of Next Meeting


The next meeting would take place in late August on a date to be agreed.





JL 3 August 2012


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